
Our European label Bio/AB (Agriculture Biologique), obtained 3 years ago, promote organic products and ensure the client a high quality produce. This label ensures:

  • At least 95% of the product’s farmed ingredients are organic,
  • GMO free, although tiny traces may have a fortuitous, accidental or inevitable presence, within the limit of 0.9%,
  • Certification under the control of a body approved by the French public authorities and meeting the criteria of independence, impartiality, competence and efficiency defined by European standard EN 45011,
  • Compliance with the regulations in force in France.

Ethics of production

Transformed raw materials must be produced at the farm with the additional criteria that are attached to respect animal’s physiological needs to conserve its health, quality and well-being.

According to our ethics and our BIO label, it’s forbidden to: give systematic and repeated treatments, use hormones to promote growth, violate animal’s eating habits or to practice concentrated animal feeding operation.

The production of raw materials is based on the use of our own land. A tolerance may be accepted in exceptional circumstances and subject to official authorization eg: fodder, animal feed. In this case, the farmer will have to source from the surrounding region, thus maintaining the local specificities.

Ethics of transformation

The farmer gives priority to processing his products on the farm. In any way the use of shared materials doesn’t remove the originating farmer’s status of the finished product as long as the producer himself participates in the processing work.

Contract work can only be tolerated for certain processing phases requiring specific techniques inaccessible to the producer. In all cases, the producer finds, in processed form, the foodstuffs that he himself has produced on his farm. The pooling of basic foodstuffs cannot be accepted, except in special cases subject to authorization.

The farmer has to respect the sanitary rules. He has to use as many techniques as he can to preserve the quality and the uniqueness of raw materials and commercialized products.

Identification of the products: The farmer sells his farms’ produces with his own name on them.

Limiting the amount of transformed products

To respect the control of production and transformation processes, guaranteeing the certain authenticity of the products and the maintenance of farm practices that are resolutely different from industrial production methods, the farmer limits his production per unit of labor and per unit of workshop.

Limiting the volume, and therefore a better monitoring, can only guarantee the local and traditional farm quality.